Friday 5 September 2008

Kill yourself.

Here is something that I was going to post on a forum, but I decided I really didn't want to get banned AGAIN, so I am posting it here for everyone to see and laugh...

It... is a beautifully personal attack.

So here's how it goes:

I have written a pretty nasty response to the OP, so if you don't want to read it DON'T. There. That was my disclaimer.
I think a grammar and punctuation petition is in order...
How can you possibly hope to start a meaningful petition when you can't even write properly? Hopefully you're still in school, otherwise you should go back there and learn the basics before even posting on a forum. How foreigners can usually speak and type better than native english speakers is way, way beyond me. How is this possible? Were you too lazy to learn proper grammar? We are in the 21st Century and people still can't talk properly. You should have failed at school, but of course they were too kind and passed you anyway and now you flood internet forums with stupidity and naivity.
And in Britain, no less, the land of Oxford and literacy.
You are all that is wrong with the world and society. You are what is allowing stupidity to spread and allowing tyranical leaders to get more and more eager followers to invade helpless countries for their oil.
I'm not ripping on you because you can't type, but your inability to perform the simplest of tasks makes it clear that you cannot go beyond simple reasoning.
Your vocabulary consists of the words, "ur gay", "u suk", "youre" and other artefacts related to your stupidity.

You know what? Here is my proposal to you. Go back to fucking school, pay fucking attention so you don't have to fuck the teacher to pass, and THEN come back.

There is another way though... kill yourself, much faster and more efficient.

Yours pissed off,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better make sure now not to catch yourself making a spelling error, or typo ;)

Btw, are you really that guitar playing guy from youtube?

Your play is giving me the chills man. I especially like it when you play over that May it be Enya stuff. Too bad the clip is cut short.