Sunday 27 July 2008

Argumentless statements.

Fuck you and your pointless statements. Fuck you. YES. YOU. And I mean it when I say fuck you. Right now, some... generic entity is coming over to your location, and will proceed to engage in sexual intercourse with you. Thus, you will be fucked. Fucking will occur, and even the concept of sex itself shall have sex with you. That's how fucked I want you to be if you are one of those people who go like "Greenday sucks", or "Dragonforce rocks."

Why?!?! Why do you think you are entitled to some kind of godly opinion that requires no proof or validation and is just automatically true? You have every right in the world to hate anything you want. I HATE Greenday. Dragonforce. I think it sucks balls, but that doesn't mean it actually does. Is it so hard to just go "I don't like this." instead of "THIS SUCKS UR GAY HAHA!".

And youtube is the best place to experience this phenomena. Go to any damned video and you will see at least one "ur gay" comment. WHY? Have you ever seen the person in question have sex with another person of the same gender? Probably not. Sometimes there isn't even a person in the video and the statement is meant towards... nothing. The video is gay? Does the video have some kind of metaphorical gay butt sex with other videos of the same gender? And normally you would classify this as trolling, but then you go these peoples' channels and they are normal fucking people. And why is it always "ur"? Is it really so hard to NOT act like a fucking illterate idiot? I know why they do it, they do it because most Americans can't tell the damned difference between "you're" and "your", because your educational system is a pile of steaming shit. Even I, a foreigner can talk and write better than the average native english speaker.

And everyone speaks in the same way, on the internet. Or rather writes.

Sometimes I get the feeling there is just one single generic guy that writes all comments, all reviews and writes all the text on the internet.
Some smart guy will probably go off and start saying like "why are you making so much fuss over some internet crap u nerd lol ahaha go fuck ur mother". Well the internetz iz SERIOUS BUSINESS!

Sometimes I stop for a moment and think about wether a comment I'm reading is sarcasm. I think to myself... "it HAS to be sarcasm. No one is this stupid.", but then I remember that 90% of people have no sense of sarcam, and more people and that are just plain stupid.
I've been listening and viewing more and more atheist related videos on youtube lately, particularly TheAmazingAtheist, and... damn, reading the comments on his videos is just so fun. Allow me to review a few, for good justice.

still a virgin, huh?

I wonder why people usually attack someone's sex life as if it's some kind of soft spot that you attack for massive damage. Same things goes for...

ur gay

Wow... how insulting. TAA must be devastated. I would say someone who has the weirdest possible fetishes possible and shows his mantitties on youtube in pretty much every video doesn't even feel the impact of such an empty fucking remark.
Well enough of that, the point is obvious. And me talking about it in my forsaken blog that nobody every reads anyway isn't going to change anything.

Well there you go, I have fuflfilled my weekly quota of blog posts. Now I can focus on things I really care about and things that matter, like football... and girls. Fuck football.

Weee I am so offensive lolol.

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