Tuesday 19 August 2008

Beer goggles work!


It turns out that if you drink beer UR GAY!!!11

Seriously, if you drink beer you will have sex with everything, every single thing you see. Like, if you see... hmm let's see. Let's assume there is a truck going by, on the street. And you're drunk. Well, in this case, due to the beer goggles effect, you will instantly proceed to have sexual intercourse with the truck. You will attempt to approximate the location of a vagina, and most likely pick the exhaust pipe as a suitable candidate. But of course, the truck is moving!

You get squished under the wheels, your skull cracking and eventually splitting apart into a few bloody pieces on the street, and it will look totally gross... no women will like you anymore.

That's what happened to me, and it totally made me stop drinking. Unfortunately, they had to put my skull back together, but didn't find all the pieces so they used part of a sea otter's head. It's really gross.

So don't drink. MSNBC said ur gay if you do... so...

1 comment:

Alex said...

Drinking beer doesn't make you gay but there is a slight possibility that you will have sexual intercourse with a truck when heading home. So, don't drink and f#ck unless your positive it's not a truck !