Monday 9 June 2008

Animal Cruelty? BULLSHIT!

This is Henry again,

Today I want to talk about how pissed off I am about people who get involved in things they don't understand in the least. This morning I woke up and got my e-mail, and among my mail there were responses to a comment I left on Youtube, to a video about animal cruelty.

First of all, I would like to say that I've been putting on a bit of a show. First of all, I am not from Minnesota, and my name is not Henry Gale. I was going to write about things from the perspective of an American dude that is pissed off about trivial things, often in very exaggerated manner. And that's okay, it was humor, but I realized today that there are many things I'd like to point out to people from outside. I live in Romania. Romania is a country next to the Black Sea, in Europe. It's neighbors are Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine and the wonderful Republic of Moldova. We don't have Starbucks at every corner, in fact most people don't know what a Starbucks is. We are dead poor. We are fucking poor. We do hard work for meager salaries, our CEO's and corporate leaders steal for their workers, our police is useless, our educational system is corrupted to the bone, we have roma people with katanas running around killing each other, our economic infrastructure is dead, we have no money to fix our roads, no money to get social aid to our poor, we aren't researching anything, we haven't discovered anything useful for a century, our military is crap, our food is crap, our people are racist hateful morons and our music is bullshit.

We persecute Hungarians and imitate Americans (and mix up their culture with turkish stuff). Our traditional foods involve intestines and other disgusting shit, but we mostly eat greasy, carcinogenic potato chips because they are so cool and all Americans eat potato chips. We drink Coca Cola instead of water, we build lamp-posts through balconies and many of our manholes are uncovered. And I'm not talking about sewer entrances.

We have entire packs of stray, angry, hungry dogs running around on the streets. And that's what the youtube video was about. Some Italian, pretentious idiot made a video about animal cruelty in Romania, and how the dogs don't get too much attention, and how we are evil for killing them.

Here's what you don't understand, Fabrizio: we are at fucking war with these dogs. They have invaded our territories and stolen pieces of ground from us. They are sleeping in front of entrances to buildings, and even hospitals and barking at everyone who goes by, and we have to either not go in the building we wanted to go in or waste our time finding some food to lead the dogs away from the door, being bitten in the process. While you enjoy your canneloni al ragu, allow me to explain how bad it is when a dog bites you. As a kid, I got bitten on the face. Get that? My face! Not only do I have a fucking scar on my face, but I could've been left without an eye, or without part of my mouth or something, and not having a mouth sucks ass. But let's leave the initial pain aside from a moment. It is known fact that dogs can carry rabies. I had to have injections... into my stomach. Into my fucking stomach. And tetanus shots that hurt like hell. And rabies is a disease that pretty much turns you into an Infected from 28 Days Later.

And you want to save the fucking dogs. Why don't you come and live over here for a while, and get a taste of what it's like. Once again foreign people get involved in things they don't understand, in other people's countries. And they post stuff like "romanian barbarians murdering dogs". Now I have nothing against calling Romanians barbarians since we've done much worse things than putting down dogs, but "murder" is an idiotic word to use in this context... I would think the correct word to use here would be genocide! If you weren't so busy going to your malls and worrying about animal cruelty you'd agree with it too. Because this situation calls for a little genocide. We've done much more in the past than committing genocide against dogs, this shouldn't hurt anyone, should it? No, it's just part of humanity's daily work. Get a taste of the dark reality, Fabrizio. And get a fucking clue. I am being ambiguous, aren't I? At one point I am agreeing with the murder of dogs, and later I said that it's genocide and that it's horrible. Why? Because it IS horrible. But it has to be done. You can't hide from the things you have to do, and you can't hide from the things you've done and tell yourself that the world is all fun. Try to look past the shield of lies the media and the mundane world put before you, and see that the world is no different than it was a hundred or a thousand years ago. When you will stop giving a crap about your slightly high body weight (fatass) or giving excuses like dyslexia or ADD or making up stupid shit like bulimia and anorexia, you will maybe see the truth.

In fact, sometimes I wish this country didn't even exist. I wish someone bombed the hell out of us with nukes and killed us all. Rid the world of 25 million racists, rapists, murderers and crooks. We seem to have a number of people that actually know what they're doing, but even they have their own hidden agenda, and somehow the media manages to bring out their dark sides (when they don't do news reports about idiot retarded peasants seeing the Virgin Mary in some tree).

So yeah, my name isn't Henry Gale. But feel free to call me whatever you want. You probably wouldn't be able to pronounce my real name correctly anyway.

1 comment:

juggar said...

A thoughtful post in the least. I understand what the author is getting at and can understand his frustration.