Tuesday 17 June 2008


Hey this is Henry again, obviously. I mean seriously, it says so in the title.

I've decided to finally go ahead and tackle religion today. And now everyone is going to be like "omg that's a sensitive subject omg jezuz lovz u!!!". No he doesn't. In fact, if Jesus, or God or whatever can be characterized by their followers, then they probably hate me, and if we were living two hundred years ago, I'd have angry Christians knocking on my door with flaming torches. Well, maybe not knocking. Knocking it down, eventually, or maybe burning it.
Basically, making this post is pointless, since so many people have already made atheist rants, and there are so many videos on Youtube. Allow me to point you to the following:


I just want to point out that I am an atheist.

Now everyone will be like "omg jew", for some reason.

Nope... atheist.

If you are a religious person, I really, really hope that you will someday become an Atheist. But I won't force you, and I won't try to convert you. And I won't argue with you, because religious people are impossible to argue with in the first place. As I have said in an earlier post... I have always wanted to believe in God, miracles, and all that awesome stuff. I wish... I wish that I could believe in God. Why don't I just convert then? Well because it's not fucking... enough. And sometimes I think about how happy religious people are, thinking that there is a God to help them all the time and that Jesus is out there doing shit and helping them out (even though they still get cancer and they still die horrible painful deaths, and they are still jerks). What a bliss eh? Imagine being a Roman. To the Romans, their religion was a reality. There was NO doubt in anyone's mind that the Gods were up there on Mount Olympus, and that there were mystical creatures and everything. If you are convinced of something like that, you are basically living in a different world, it's like you exist in some fantasy novel. Modern religions are the same, it gives you the ability to be care free, it's beautiful, almost ideal (except for the burning part), and everyone is forgiven. Only it's not real. And we atheists are living on the outside of all that, looking back in, seeing where we came from and we notice how trapped all of you are.

Have you seen The Matrix? Contrary to popular (idiot) belief, that movie is NOT about super awesome fighting and effects. It has a deep, deep meaning, and it is the perfect allegory for religion. Religion offers you a perfect world, where everything you ever wanted is possible and you are loved by a higher power, only it's not real, and you are a damn slave, and the Church gets to have it's power. If you were to be introduced to the truth (that none of it is real), you would have a hard time letting go, even if deep within your heart you realized that there is no God. Why hang on to a myth instead of just letting go. Once you are finally out, you will understand so much, and you will laugh at the way you used to live. And I am especially referring to you hardcore, Young Earth Creationist dudes. But, unfortunately, from what I've seen, especially on Youtube, you people are waaay waaaaaaaaay too deep to ever get out. You will die, and in the moment of your deaths you will realize that there is nothing, and you will be sorry that you wasted your lives.

And then there's the people that go "But you are taking Christianity too literally, it's actually a set of rules."

No. If you are saying that, you are not a Christian. And most people are like that. I mean very few people today are hardcore Christians, most people are stuck somewhere in the middle, not wanting to let go and not being atheists either, so when they read the bible they just leave out all the bad stuff and interpret the good stuff to mean something else.

The Ten Commandments... I was raised as an Orthodox Christian, so... basically I am not a Catholic. But our commandments are saying basically the same things, it goes like this:

I am the Lord thy God.... Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images... Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, not his manservant, not his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.

Now... there are many interpretations, many versions, but they all mean basically the same thing: Don't believe in other gods, don't have any idols to look up to, don't talk shit about God, respect the Sabbath, love your father and mother, don't kill people, don't steal from people, don't lie and don't be envious of people.

Basically, half of this is bullcrap. Don't believe in other Gods, sounds almost like a threat. Do not bow down to other idols, which means pretty much the same thing (and I don't want to hear any 100 page long theological theses saying I'm wrong, the answer is very simple, they mean the same thing). The third one is pointless since there is no God. Fourth one, just as pointless.

Now. The last commandments. Personally, I don't need a God to threaten me with Hell to make me be good to people. Isn't it fucking obvious that killing people is bad? It only stands to prove that the commandments were meant to keep stupid, primitive people who killed each other all the time in line. We're not primitive anymore, time to let go. There are more religious people killing other people than there are atheists.

I have to admit, if there ever even was a "Jesus", then his teachings were, in the end, good. I mean they got us this far right? But I am just as sure that if this Jesus saw us now he'd be like"oh shit, what have I done". But obviously... there was never a Jesus.

Why? He doesn't appear in any historical, records, bla bla bla, we've all heard it. All the evidence is against him. In fact all the evidence is against religion. Everything. There is nothing... nothing, not one single thing that refutes anything that is written in the Holy Bible or in Christian teachings. Jesus was pretty much passed down from father to son, just like Santa Claus. Are there any historical records saying Santa drove around in a sleigh in the past? No. And nobody believes it because it sounds completely ridiculous. Well let me tell you something. It doesn't sound any ridiculous than what you people believe in. And... ffs, you hate Scientologists, and you hate UFO believers and you hate Otherkin, but none of their beliefs are any stranger than yours. We institutionalize people who see ghosts or go batshit insane and see elves and shit, but somehow people who think there's a mysterious God out there and that a Holy Spirit flies around doing stuff don't get labeled as nuts. Think about it for a little bit. It's just absurd.

I actually know someone that I was arguing with about religion (she is a devoted Christian), and she was trying to convince me that the Earth is 6000 years old, and I couldn't believe someone could possibly believe something like that and disregard every single shred of scientific evidence that proves that the Universe is much older.

But here's the fun part. I went like "what are you insane?" and she said something alon these lines:

The first 7 days, from Genesis, where God makes the world and everything actually took billions of years and that's why it appears that the Universe is that old.

That's the moment I realized that there is nothing for me to discuss with this woman. People like her have even begun to change the Bible itself to fit their beliefs. It doesn't say that in the Bible, face it motherfuckers, it's over, the Bible is wrong, science wins! Stop making shit up. This is how stupid some creationists are.

You cannot be a Christian and at the same time "adapt" things from your holy book, to fit modern science. Even the Vatican, THE DAMN Vatican, has started saying that God loves "ALIENS" too. Fucking aliens. Why? You're ruining your own religion.

I've probably said it before, I've lost all faith in humanity. I don't think we're going anywhere, I don't think we'll ever fix ourselves, the mistakes are piling up, our population is going up, we're getting stupider yet we get more technology at the same time... it's... it's fucking over. I swear, if we ever make intelligent machines that decide to kill us all... I am going to side with them.

But here's a strange question: what if we make machines, and suddenly the machines discover God? Suddenly the machines become religious, having calculated their way to God. In that case, I am DEFINATELY joining the club.

Until then, I am going to bask in my atheism. Don't waste your life. Go... do stuff, because this is all you have. In some way, I am somewhat proud that I got to be a fleeting observer to this... freak show, even for such a small period of time as my life. I have to admit, there are some beautiful things in life. But you are all ruining them. They're almost gone, even love has become nothing more than a race for acceptance.

I'll be awaiting your hate mail and possibly your well constructed debate subjects over email.

See ya.

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